Since our formation in 1997, education has been a pillar of our mission and a fundamental component of our work to restore salmon habitat and support a resilient community. Over the last two years, we’ve developed a unique partnership with Ecology in Classrooms and Outdoors (ECO) to bring engaging ecology […]
Siuslaw Award for Non-Profit Achievement
This year we were honored to receive the Non-Profit Achievement Award from the Florence Area Chamber of Commerce at their annual Siuslaw Awards event. With the strong support of our membership, and the collaborative work of all of our partners, we were able to demonstrate how our work not only […]
Upper Indian Creek Helicopter Project
Trees were flying through the sky in the Indian Creek watershed this October! We have been working with our partners at the Siuslaw National Forest to add trees to the river to create better habitat for salmon, amphibians, and other species that rely on healthy rivers and wetlands! We’re adding […]
Seeking Bids for Qualified Contractor
The Siuslaw Watershed Council is seeking a qualified contractor to complete tipping and cutting of trees to be used in a large woody debris placement project in Upper Indian Creek, in the Siuslaw Watershed, OR. Bids are due to the Council by 5PM on September 12th, 2019. Contractors are encouraged […]
Siuslaw Sauntering at Sutton Creek
“I don’t like either the word [hike] or the thing. People ought to saunter in the mountains – not ‘hike!’ Do you know the origin of that word saunter? It’s a beautiful word. Away back in the middle ages people used to go on pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and […]