Join your watershed neighbors for an evening of sharing what makes the Siuslaw special:
- We will be presenting the Spirit of Siuslaw Award for 2020! The award goes to an individual or group for outstanding work and service that has enhanced the well-being of the communities that call the Siuslaw watershed home. Come join in the celebration!
- Here at the SWC, we love learning about things that are ubiquitous in our watershed, but that we rarely focus on--it makes us look at what’s around us with more attention and curiosity. Jesse Reeves, OSU student, will be presenting:
“Canaries in the Watershed: Aquatic Bryophytes (mosses) as Bioindicators”
- Jesse is a lifelong resident of the Siuslaw Watershed, who has recently returned after an undergraduate program in Santa Fe NM studying philosophy and history of science and mathematics. He is currently a student at OSU in the Graduate Certificate in Wildlife Management Program.
- Jesse’s presentation will include an introduction to biomonitoring, and will specifically look at the ways that aquatic mosses can help determine the health of a stream. Jesse’s hope is that the audience will come away with a greater appreciation for moss, and advance this novel, promising, method for biomonitoring of streams here in the Pacific Northwest.
- We need the help of all members to update our Bylaws, a process that we began in January. At our January Community Meeting, we introduced proposed changes to our Bylaws; members at that meeting will recall voting to adopt the Bylaws. Thanks to subsequent member feedback (which we appreciate very much!) we determined that vote was not binding, since we had not fulfilled an obligation to post draft Bylaws changes for a 30-day review period prior to voting. The draft Bylaws have now been posted on SWC’s website since June 27th, and we will be voting to adopt the proposed By-laws at this meeting, completing an important update to SWC’s governing rules.
We value your participation in this process, and hope that you plan to attend the July meeting. All members are eligible to vote on the bylaws. Please make sure that you have paid your 2021 dues prior to the July 28th meeting, as voting requirements in the current bylaws require payment in order to be considered a current member and for your vote to be counted. If you have questions about your membership status, please email Mizu Burruss at coordinator@siuslaw.org, or Christina Ward at financial@siuslaw.org, or call (541-268-3044).
The meeting will be hosted via Zoom, and is free to attend.
Registration is required, and is easy to do:
- Register in advance for this meeting by using the following link and following on-screen instructions: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUqf-qprDgqHNEREetXUZ7lCoxqh-L9xO2J
- After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting
- If you have any trouble registering, please contact watershed@siuslaw.org, or call 541-268-3044 for help